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Violence in the media

If you order your cheap custom essays from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on violence in the media. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality violence in the media paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in violence in the media, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your violence in the media paper at affordable prices!

Violence in the media has been a growing problem ever since the emergence of mass media. One wonders however, how violence has become so prominent in our culture, more so than other countries. More minors are being involved in major crimes such as murders and armed robberies. Even play on the school ground is getting rougher.There are many factors that play into the increasing violence, such as over population, religious struggles, and race. One factor that plays into the increase of violence would be mass media. Mass media has the power to reach and influence almost every American. Radio, newspaper, and television are all means by which media reaches people. Television however, can be considered the most influential.Ninety-eight percent of Americans have a television in their household.When it first came out it was considered a novelty, there were only a few channels and the signal was not very clear. Now it is available through air broadcast, cable, or satellite. Television has become part of everyday life.With the growing fixation and attraction to violence in the media, children in today's society are becoming more violent and aggressive than ever before.

America was founded upon violence; and we have always been a society of power and control. This land was violently taken away from the American Indians. After this land was civilized, power and control was desired so much so that we rebelled against Great Britain to have this place for ourselves. We rebelled with violence and won. America ever since has always been the best at almost everything. America will achieve this most of the time thru violence. Both world wars and other political conflicts have been won by America using violence. Power achieved thru violence is one of America's downfalls. This is so because our society and culture follow suit. People in this country have the spirit that this country was founded upon, which can be good and bad. Violence is finding its way into out culture everywhere, especially the television.

When it comes to children and television, there is much debate. Many argue that television is healthy for children. It opens up their eyes to the world and beyond. It stimulates their imagination and gets them thinking. A young child from rural Texas is able to see urban New York and its fantastic skyline. Kids can see other countries and cultures from around the world. Too see the world is to truly be educated, and television can do that in some ways by bringing to kids the vision of the world. There are also educational programs on TV. Programs like Seasame Street and Barney. These programs teach children basic educational tools like the alphabet. They also teach children how to be loving and caring towards others.

However, with the popularity of television rising, so are all the problems related to it. Along with all the educational programming on television, there are violent and disturbing programs as well. The range of what they watch is anything and everything, whatever gets their attention. It used to be silly cartoons, but now its violent shows that grabs attention. Programs such as the WWC, where people violently wrestle each other, using jaw-breaking moves like the pile-driver.Not only are children watching these programs as much as the educational ones, but they are getting hooked onto them. TV can be very addicting. Lots of children come home straight from school to just sit in front of the tube till dinner time. Parents are getting lazier than ever and let their children watch TV to keep them occupied. TV has become a sort of babysitter for kids after school.

Buy cheap violence in the media term paper

The effects of children watching violence on television has also been much disputed. Does the violence have long term effects or do the children simply put it aside. First of all, young children do not process information in the same way as adults. Nor do they have the experience or judgment to evaluate what they see. Children will think what they see on TV is real life. If this is so, violence is very harmful. Children will be less sensitive to the pain and suffering of others. Children may become more fearful of the world around them. They will feel more entitles to act aggressively towards others. Real life studies have shown that violence on TV can have long term effects as well.

To conclude, children in todays society are becoming more aggressive than ever before because of our societies need for violence. It was instilled upon Americans the day this country was founded. Through means of mass media, mostly television, violence is reaching Americas youth and turning our culture into a violent hungry one. Television has great influence on children. It opens their eyes to the world. Violence on TV has devastating effects on children that effects them thru their adulthood. Violence will always rise up in some cultural text in out society. The best way to protect children is to educate them about violence in mass media. They have to be able to understand that its made up and for entertainment only.

Please note that this sample paper on violence in the media is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on violence in the media, we are here to assist you. Your cheap research papers on violence in the media will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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