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Movie Rating System should be Eliminated.

If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Movie Rating System should be Eliminated.. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Movie Rating System should be Eliminated. paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Movie Rating System should be Eliminated., therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Movie Rating System should be Eliminated. paper at affordable prices!

There have always been many debates through the past few years on if the movie rating system actually does any real good in this society where teens can practically get their way with almost anything. Given the statement that, "The movie rating system doesn't work and should be eliminated," I totally agree. The movies are rated on if the content is suitable for those individuals 17 years and younger. After the age of 17, any movie in theatres is up for their viewing pleasure. The reason I say 17 is the age, is because all of the ratings below Restricted (R) are only suggestions. The question I have for the Motion Picture Association of America, whose board rates these movies, is why they think that the movie rating system is doing any good if the majority of these ratings are only suggestions..

As stated in the Motion Picture Production Code "No picture shall be produced which will lower the standards of those who see it. Hence the sympathy of the audience shall never be thrown to the side of crime, wrong-doing, evil or sin." (1) This code also handles the topics of 'illegal drug traffic' and 'sex hygiene'. What 17 year old doesn't already know about these topics? In this day and age, most pre-teens already have some knowledge about what is going on in this drug/crime/sex crazed world. I'd like to take a quick look at the rating system.

(G) - General Audiences means anyone can watch, there won't be anything that would potentially offend the parents by having their children watch it.

(PG) - Parental Guidance Suggested urges the parents to give "parental guidance" because there may be material unsuitable for children. I'd like to say that these have the parents suggested and urged to view the shows with their children. It's not required by any means. Cheap Custom Essays on Movie Rating System should be Eliminated.

(PG-1) - Parents Strongly Cautioned again urges parents to be extremely cautious because some material isn't suitable for pre-teens. Why don't they just combine this rating with PG and get it over with? Better yet, they could just get rid of them all.

(R) - Restricted movies contains some adult material. Parents are urged to learn more about the film before subjecting their kids to it. If an individual is under 17, they're only allowed in if a parent or legal guardian is with them.

(NC-17) - No one under 17 and under admitted. Finally, there is a restriction. These shows are for those older than 17, no exceptions.

Now that you have a grasp on how the ratings work, I have a few questions to pose. One, already stated - is why the golden age for viewing these movies in theatres is 17. Most people never even look at the movie ratings. They look at the title, the actors, and the plot - if they like it then the movie ticket is sold in resting in their hands while they wait in line for popcorn. These ratings only take effect in the theatres though. "While the MPAA ratings appear on videocassettes released in the U.S., the board has no legislative authority to enforce restrictions on home video rentals or sales. DVD releases are not considered separate products from the original films and therefore retain the identical rating provided to each movie for its theatrical release." ()

I fully believe that the MPAA should rethink their ideas on how the rating systems work, because there are so many ways that teens can cheat their way and see the materials anyways. Seeing violence and etc. in movies is no different from seeing it happening on the news, or even in real life. With that, the movie rating system should be eliminated because as of late it hasn't done much good.

(1) Campbell, Martin, Fabos, "Media and culture", Pgs 558-55

() Jeal, Lorne, "Movie Rating System United States.", Movie Rating System Information, http//, 00

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