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Media impact on human behavior

If you order your essay from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on media impact on human behavior. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality media impact on human behavior paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in media impact on human behavior, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your media impact on human behavior paper at affordable prices custom writing service!

In my view the media has a major impact on human behavior, and all media portray sexuality, anger, aggression hate and discrimination on a daily basis. With the intelligence of children these days in ages everything that they see or hear form birth will be learned and act out.

Sexuality The mass media is the more and easier to get to way for people to learn about and see sexuality. The media being especially important for the younger public as they develop their own sexual attitudes and patterns of behavior, and more so parents and schools cant or don't know how to discuss sexual topics with there children so they act out accordingly. A child (4 years) in my neighborhood was teaching another child (5 years) how to perform oral sex on a boy when asked by her mother and the school counselor where she got this idea from she told them "last night I watched HBO and a lady showed us how to do it" then asked "who is us" she said "me and Kris" which is her brother. Yes she was disciplined but why? I feel that a four year old child should not be taught by anybody anything about sex but the media has no discrimination on age gender or even anything, yes where was her mother at this time? But what mother will be by her child side every time he/she turns on the TV or radio.

Anger and Aggression

I chose to use these two together because they at times help one another.Violence is usually an outgrowth of anger and aggression, and result to the violent stages. The concerns we have that are reflected daily in the news involve murder, domestic abuse and other signs that we live in a stressed society (larceny, homicides, etc.). Violence starts somewhere and you can see that most violence stems from home and then presented to street violence. You have many influences your surroundings, being poor, school or job stress, not getting enough attention, and a boat load of others. And all these tend to be linked to aggressive acts. However the media adds on to the outcome of that anger and or aggressor. An example a young man not getting much attention as a child and more so being picked on because of the things that he wore and even remembering his peers wanting a fight just because he did not at all fit in. listening to the great Tupac and biggie rival gave him an opportunity to get back at those that he felt disclaimed him her first lased his own mother cigarette with cocaine started a robbing crew called the pacs and murdered a boy. Even though Tupac did not do all the things that he act out he felt that since Tupac was at war With his enemy why don't he.

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There are several extremely strong influences and to hate I think is the major curve ball. We as adults and children have learned a bad behavior that is not easy to get over. Watching George Bush and they way he acts is not good for your health. The hateful acts that he does give some a sense to want to hate also. Watching the news earlier in the war I remember the people on the street stating that they hate Sadaam Hussein just because bet when asked why they could not give a concrete answer.


The media has had a great impact on the discrimination against the Arab and Muslim that sprang up after September 11th. There are many today that can't walk the streets without being messed or killed because the media has added on making it seem that because the people hurt us we should hurt them. We need to fight discrimination with understanding. If we were to learn more about the Arab and Muslim culture the anti-Arab and anti-Muslim prejudice maybe these things would not be.

The media will keep imposing on our lives with much influence but it's up to us to first teach our kids what to do right and than you be there to have a concrete foundation to grow on so that the media will not be the influence o f a negative thing to but a good.

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