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An added scene to Babylon Revisited

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on An added scene to Babylon Revisited. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality An added scene to Babylon Revisited paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in An added scene to Babylon Revisited, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your An added scene to Babylon Revisited paper at affordable prices!

Activity b Extra scene - Babylon Revisited

Charlie was confused. How could everything go sour so quickly? Yesterday, "he

woke up feeling happy. The door of the world was open again. He made plans,

vistas, future for Honoria and himself" (4). Today he was melancholy

Buy An added scene to Babylon Revisited term paper

"remembering all the plans he and Helen had made. She had not planned to die"

(4). One should never reminisce, his mother had said. It can only lead to an

unhappy ending. But he could not help it. He remembered the night of George

Hardt's bachelor dinner {…}" (11). He remembered thousand-franc notes given

To an orchestra for playing a single number, hundred-franc notes tossed to a

doorman for calling a cab {…} His child taken from his control" (15). "When I

consented to the guardianship, I was flat on my back in a sanitarium and the

market had cleaned me out. I knew I'd acted badly, and I thought, if it would bring

any peace to Helen, I'd agree to anything" (1). And Helen. Oh! Sweet Helen.

My wife, my life. What did I do to her? I shudder at her sister's palpable animosity

or to be the recipient of her scalding tongue-lashing. "I'll never in my life be able

to forget the morning when Helen knocked at my door, soaked to the skin and

shivering, and said you'd locked her out" (0,1), she said. How could her

sister even imply that I had a hand in my wife's death? For God's sake his mind

screamed. She died of heart troubles. Everyone knows that. But, he is still

haunted by Helen's image. "Helen, who he had loved so, until they had

senselessly began to abuse each other's love, tear it into shreds. On that terrible

February night {….}, a slow quarrel had gone on for hours, there was a scene at

the Florida, and then he attempted to take her home, and then she kissed young

Webb at the table; after that there was what she had hysterically said. When he

arrived home alone he turned the key in the lock in wild anger. How could he

know she would arrive an hour later alone, that there would be a snowstorm in

which she wandered about in slippers, too confused to find a taxi. Then the

aftermath, her escaping pneumonia by a miracle, and all the attendant horror"

(). My alcoholism, the sanitarium, her death. Oh God! Oh God! Please grant

me absolution, he cried. But, what he heard reverberating in his head was,

demon rum my son, the answer is demon rum.

As he walked home alone, Charlie had never felt so dejected with conflicting and

excruciating emotions. The injustice. My sister-in-law will not relinquish the

guardianship of my daughter for a year. What more can I do for them to see the

change in me? I have conquered my drinking problem. I have recouped my

wealth. What more can I do? Demons, demons, please go away and leave me in

peace. Poor Charlie, screamed the demons. You should not be alone at a time

like this. Your dead wife would not approve. Go find Lorraine. You know, the one

who left you the invitation. The one you flirted with and made your wife jealous.

Remember the bicycle incident. Go find her and have a good time. This will erase

us from your head.

In this susceptible state Charlie entered the "Sweat-Shop at the Ritz" ().

Charlie, Charlie, cried Lorraine. Come sit with us. Have a drink. Lets recapture

old times. Charlie was consumed with loathing for himself, but, he had such an

unquenchable thirst for liquor, he swallowed his revulsion. As he tremulously

raised his glass, for one fleeting minute his mind screamed. "I take only one drink

every afternoon, and I've had that" (10). Remember your dreams. Remember

your child Honoria. But Charlie never had a hope or prayer. Temptation for a

reformed addict always takes the form of, I can handle it, one will never hurt, and

I can stop whenever I want. As his tenth drink trickled over his palate causing the

old euphoric feeling, Charlie heard the derisive, laughter in his head. Demon rum.

Demon rum. Welcome back Charlie, don't stay away so long again.


Fitzgerald, F. Scott, "Babylon Revisited and other stories," New York, Simon and

Schuster, 160

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