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Dorms need improvments

If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on dorms need improvments. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality dorms need improvments paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in dorms need improvments, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your dorms need improvments paper at affordable prices!

It's Friday afternoon, and you plan on going out that night. Gathering your clothes that have lain unwashed throughout the week, you make your way to the washing machines only to find that they are all being occupied. After you finally manage to access one after more than an hour's wait, you discover the dryer's are both being used and won't be done for almost an hour each, and you plan on leaving in a half hour. From the cramped living quarters, the lack of electrical outlets, the long wait for washing and drying units, as well as the abused community bathroom facilities, the overall living conditions of my dorm could definitely be improved.

Another key reason for the desire of better living conditions, is the elevated demand for electrical outlets within the rooms. All of the students have assorted needs that require the utilization of power outlets. With the need being closer to at the least four outlets each, there are, in reality, only two outlets accessible for both roommates. Two of the main reasons that more outlets are needed would be the residents acquiring the use of computers, as well as printers, to assist in research for assorted essays that will need completing throughout the year, and also a means by which to print them; this is usually a luxury required by both roommates. Other uses for the outlets would be lamps, alarm clocks, televisions, as well as other means of entertainment. With all these needs at hand, and only limited power sources, there is often a high risk of blowing a fuse, and also not having the space needed.

Running along the lines of limited space, though, the rooms themselves are generally too small, and are quite cramped most of the time. With all the items that two people are going to need to live, the rooms are too small too survive without sacrificing some of your space in the living process. The room I live in at college for instance is relatively close the same sized room I have at my home. The problem with this fact is that I have to live in these quarters with a roommate. We're sacrificing our space and compromising quite well, but we are still running into one another on a regular basis. After a while, that definitely gets old. The only way my roommate and I have been managing to live here together is the fact that we have been able to get along with ease.

While I have managed to maintain good relations with my own roommate thus far, the others who live on my floor have not made it an easy task to live here either. Abusing the shower and toilet facilities, which the entire floor must use, they make these community facilities an unwanted place to shower and use the toilet. They fail to clean up after themselves when using the restroom, and horseplay has led them to the regular spreading of water about the floors in their attempts to "attack" their friends in the showers. Help with essay on dorms need improvments

Aside from the fact that they have continued to perform such childish actions, the facilities were not in the best of shape to begin with. Some of the sinks clog consistently, and it is also these same sinks that have a steady leaking problem. Due to this fact, not all of the sinks are accessible for use. The counter above the sinks is filthy. It is covered with dust, plus who knows what else that the naked eye is unable to see. Not only do the sinks clog, though, but the showers fail to drain properly, so if you end up taking a shower at the same time as another person, you will more than likely find yourself taking a bath instead of a shower.

The washing units, the power resources, the amount of space, and the "luxurious" facilities can clearly illustrate why my dorm is such an undesirable place to reside. There are numerous difficulties with all that is provided yet the people on my floor continue to make things even more difficult. It is just a good thing that I manage to get along with my roommate in these cramped conditions, otherwise, I would not be able to manage living here another day..

Please note that this sample paper on dorms need improvments is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on dorms need improvments, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on dorms need improvments will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

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