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Eyes Wide Shut

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Eyes Wide Shut. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Eyes Wide Shut paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Eyes Wide Shut, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Eyes Wide Shut paper at affordable prices!


Take a minute to step back from this world which we call "reality," and analyze the situations and instances that occur before us. Assuming Plato's philosophical theory of essence proceeding existence, we are forced to believe that some superior being, ultimately called and portrayed as a "God," created life as we know it with a purpose or goal in mind. As Catholics, this philosophical theory is the basis of our religion. All around us are people of different ethnicity's, backgrounds and religious beliefs. Most religions share one common belief; a "God." Many believe that life is pre-determined by this God. They believe that from the moment of conception to death, God has planned every instance that occurs indirectly and directly to you. "Fate" or "destiny" are common terms used to portray this kind of reality. However, there are many others that believe otherwise. Some even believe that after being placed in this universe we were not only given a "loaner body," but also the privilege and mental capability to make our own decisions and conclusions about life and its mysteries. Keeping this in mind, one question appeals to us What if we make a wrong decision or inaccurate conclusion, causing negative effects upon our lives? In a utopian world there would be a perfect God, perfect people, perfect everything. I think that by the illusions and impacts people have on our lives, we are led to believe that living in this type of world is far worse than the world we now live in. We are led to believe that having all these feelings of sadness, loneliness and hostility are what make us human. But what if living in this perfect paradise isn't so bad? No problems, no worries, no concerns…sounds good to me. Many people believe we experience life in this ideal world when we perish and rise up to heaven. Assuming this is a fact, are we not currently living in a hell? Why would a good God punish us? Why go through this test, and why face "judgement day?" To stand before the gates of heaven and determine if you are worthy enough to proceed seems a bit ridiculous to me if this God has planned out our lives from the beginning. Assuming there is a higher power, would this God not then be foolish? We would not only be beings which simply exist, but also beings without a purpose. For the many people that enjoy their presence on this planet, they would gain something from this experience. However, what about the people whom have experienced a meaningless pitiful life?

Now step back into this world which we assume to be reality. Do your religious beliefs remain exactly the same as they once were? Do they seem trampled upon, slightly confusing or less meaningful to you? It has been said that "seeing isn't believing, believing is seeing." Can you still believe entirely beyond reasonable doubt without seeing, or do you need to see in order to believe? I cannot say there is a God, or conclude that there is not. I cannot answer all life's questions, or give you its purpose. However I can in fact state my opinions and make you question. We are often told to believe that there is a good God, and therefore we believe. However, one side of a story is not enough information to make lifelong conclusions. From the moment of conception most people are born into the religion their guardians trust most. At this age, we cannot make our own beliefs, therefore we simply trust the beliefs of others. But assume you were not born into a specific religion, which religion would you then believe?

The motion picture "Matrix" is directed and written by the Wachowski Brothers. This movie questions our beliefs and reality. The protagonist named Morpheus (Laurence Fishburne) approaches Kevin Neo Anderson with an intriguing. He can either take the red pill and see true reality, or take the blue pill and live happily in his own world. I now present you with this same offer. Do you want to take the red pill and open your eyes, or take the blue pill and keep your eyes wide shut?

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Please note that this sample paper on Eyes Wide Shut is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Eyes Wide Shut, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on Eyes Wide Shut will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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