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Common sense

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on common sense. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality common sense paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in common sense, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your common sense paper at affordable prices!

People have assumed form the very beginning that their way of thinking about and acting is the universal way of doing so. They often label certain courses of action and certain thought processes as common sense. Clifford Geertz states in his essay, Common Sense as a Cultural System, that this assumption is a natural inclination. However, he also, points that ideas of common sense arent necessarily all that common cross-culturally. At the very beginning of the essay, Geertz put forth a supposition for the analysis of common sense. He explains that the there is a need for an analysis of common sense because of the erased distinction between the reality and the interpretation of reality. He makes clear that even though common sense might be ingrained, it is how one communicates, interprets, and uses his or her common sense to experience life is important. He mentions that the interpretation of this common sense is what makes world distinct and differ culturally.

Geertz uses Azande witchcraft and intersexuality as paradigms to clarify that common sense differ from culture to culture. In an Azande culture, when a Zande is confronted with an anomalies and contradictions, such as a boy stubbing his foot on a tree stump and developing an infection, a skilled potter with a broken pot, and a sour stomach, that a shout for witchcraft goes up. For a westerner, a stubbed foot and developing an infection is due to boy's carelessness, broken pot is due to bad clay, pebbles and dirt, and a sour stomach is a direct effect of eating too many bananas. This is a common sense for Westerners. In Zande common sense, because places is full of stumps, it is foolish to daydream, minor cuts heal quickly, baked clay might be liable to cracking in the presence of stones; that refraining from sexual intercourse is precondition to successful pot making. Anything beyond this realm of common sense is considered witchcraft.

Geertz uses intersexuality to point out that common sense differs from culture to culture. Americans regard intersexuality with horror. It is beyond his or her common sense to imagine such a condition and due to this horror, it is apparent either to change facts, or if that's not possible, disguise them in order for Americans to feel comfortable. In a Navaho tribe, instead of inducing horror or disgust, it evokes wonder and awe. The intersexuals are considered to be blessed. They are made heads of the family and given complete control over all the family property, because they will bring forth wealth and riches. In Navaho common sense, intersexual are considered to be blessing and a good luck. In a Pokot tribe, intersexed person are regarded as useless because it cannot reproduce, extend the family line that a proper man can, and not can it bring in bride-price as a proper woman. They are frequently killed, but often are allowed to live. The lives they live are miserable; they are neglected, lonely, treated with indifference. In Pokot common sense, intersexed person would rather not be born...

Even though common sense differs culturally, Geertz suggest that it can be transculturally characterized. He proposes that some of the features of common sense may be same culturally, such as naturalness, practicalness, thinnes, immethodicalness, and accessibleness. In naturalness of common sense, certain aspect of behavior is depicted as innate in the situation, inherent aspect of reality, the way things go. In practicalness of common sense, it is prudent to know what is important and necessary to everyday life and what is not. Thinness of common sense represent matter as being precisely what they seem to be, nothing more or nothing less. Immethodicalness of common sense suggests that the common sense is not consistent, one aspect of common sense contradict another feature of common sense. Accessibleness of common sense is an assumption that any person will be able to grasp common sense conclusion and will come to embrace it. Geertz uses these stylistic features to show that common sense is as organized body, which differs from culture to culture, but also has common feature that make common sense same culturally

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