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Creative Drama Lesson Plan

If you order your custom paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Creative Drama Lesson Plan. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Creative Drama Lesson Plan paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Creative Drama Lesson Plan, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Creative Drama Lesson Plan paper at affordable prices custom writing service!

Grades 1-

Lesson /

Core Activity

Overall Objective of Lesson

Custom Essays on Creative Drama Lesson Plan

Students are to participate in small groups and develop a stronger sense of self. The students will understand the difference between wants and needs.


Have the students walk around the room normally. Tell them that as you call out a different character that you want them to become that character. Get the children moving mentally in every direction. Examples of characters Old man/woman, baby, dinosaur, mouse, a person on stilts, a giant, seagull, shark, dog…


Worksheets (one per student)



I.)Anticipatory Set

a.)Has anyone ever imagined that they were someone else?

b.)Have you played house or with army men?

c.)Today we are going to make believe that we are different people.


a.)This encourages the students to take on other roles and to become the person that they are portraying.

b.)The warm up will encourage mind set for the core activity.

c.)Fulfills the following Competency Goal(s) for the state of North Carolina



i.)The students are to act like and make believe that they are someone else that they want to be.

ii.) The students will answer the questions on the worksheet to help them to build their character.

iii.) Each student will be apart of a group that will encourage character building.

IV.)Guided Practice

a.)The leader/teacher leads the students through the make believe of being different people based on what character she says.

b.)The leader should pay attention and offer positive reinforcement throughout the activity.

c.)Have the students decide on a favorite character that they had to become in the warm up for the character analysis worksheet.

d.)Have the students answer the questions about the character that they choose.

e.)Break the students up into groups of no more than four per group.

f.)Explain that they are going to make believe that they are this person in whatever situation that you give the group.

g.)Tell them that they are to use dialogue and action to portray what character that they are.

h.)Have the students develop an improvisation in their small groups, of no more than four people, with a scene that you give them. Examples of scenes

1.)A huge bowl of milk

.)Outer Space

.)Inside a washing machine

4.)An elevator

5.)On a roller coaster

6.)In a jungle

7.)On a pirate ship

8.)In a parade

i.)Side coach if the children do not know what to do to make believe that they are the character.

j.)Have each group perform their scene and see if the other students can guess what character they are suppose to be.

V.)Independent Practice

a.)Each student will be performing actions to portray the different characters.

b.)They will also be using the character sheet to answer questions about the character that they choose.

c.)The students will also be performing as their character in their group.


a.)Was it is easy for you to choose a favorite character?

b.)Was it hard to use your imagination to become someone/something else?

c.)How did the worksheet help you?

d.)Move into the next activity

Core Activity


This activity will encourage memorization skills and poetry skills.


A copy of the poem "True Story" by Shel Silverstein


VII.)Anticipatory Set

a.)Has anyone ever heard of poetry?

b.)Raise your hand if you like poetry.

c.)Raise your hand if you have ever heard of Shel Silverstrein

d.)What do you think about poetry?

e.)Today we are going to listen to a poem and see how much we can remember about it, because we are going to act out the poem.

VIII.) Objective

This activity is to help the children use poetry in a new way. The activity of acting it out brings drama into literature.



i.)This activity requires the student to pay attention and listen to detail, so the students will be required to be quiet and listen to the poetry presented.

ii.)The students will be broken into groups before the story is read so that they will know who they will be working with.

iii.)The students will not know however which part they will be playing when it is time to act it out.

Please note that this sample paper on Creative Drama Lesson Plan is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Creative Drama Lesson Plan, we are here to assist you. Your college papers on Creative Drama Lesson Plan will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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