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"A View from the Bridge"

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"A View from the Bridge"

An influential decision that will be made by Eddie Carbone, a dock worker from lower Manhattan, will change the course of this play. Arthur Miller's play 'A View from the Bridge' is a play written in the image of a Greek tragedy. When Eddie involves the Immigration Bureau in the plot to reveal his wife's cousins who are illegal immigrants from Italy everything is set in motion for a tragic ending. During the course of the play we are told of the story of Vinny Bolzano that will become all too true for Eddie Carbone.

Alfieri, the plays chorus, introduces us to Eddie. Alfieri puts across the point that Eddie through his own self-destruction will meet a tragic and violent death at the climax of the play. Eddie is a decent, hardworking man with a good life and a good family. When we are introduced to the cousins by Eddie which puts across some irony as he introduced them and they will finish him. From the moment that Eddie sets his eyes on Rodolpho he has a dislike towards him that continues throughout the play. Rodolpho has handsom blue eyes with a thick mop of blonde hair. Eddie hated him so much he started to spout wiled ideas like that Rodolpho had homosexual tendencies because he has 'unusual blonde hair' and many times throughout the play Eddie tries to point this out to the rest of the characters as a way to discredit Rodolpho.

Miller tells us and shows us that Rodolpho loves Catherine but Eddie finds this unacceptable as Eddie does not want Catherine to grow up, go out or get married, as Eddie himself loves Catherine. When we are informed of Catherine's urges and self determination to leave school and get a job as a secretary Eddie tries his hardest to find all sorts of reasons for her to stay in school which would ultimately keep her under his control. It maybe not noticed by many people but in the course of the play Catherine lights up a cigar for Eddie and when the smoke rises from the cigar it symbolises his control over Catherine slipping away. So Eddie tries to search for flaws in her argument to leave so he can have a good enough reason to keep her in school and under his control but he must realise that eventually she will grow up. But he persists on his stubborn attempt to stop her

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"I don't like the neighbourhood over there" and

What about all the stuff you would learn this year though?"

He tries relentlessly but Beatrice and Catherine win the argument and this little episode sets Eddie off on the road to self-destruction. I think it is at this point that he finds out that he is the only one that wants to keep Catherine at home.

Later on in the play when the cousins arrive we learn that from the second Eddie laid eyes on Rodolpho that he is the catalyst for a tragic ending. The audience begins to lose their trust in Eddie even though Eddie is a decent, hardworking man and how he was willing to welcome Marco and Rodolpho into his home for as long as they needed. While the audience loses their trust for Eddie there trusts in Rodolpho and Catherine increases.

The thing that is most significant to the play that conveys feelings and moods is the stage directions. While Eddie is dancing with Catherine Rodolpho comes over and takes her away from him I think this is where Rodolpho tries to express his love for Catherine. Eddie in a sick and twisted ploy then begins to box with Rodolpho but is not messing about as he later claims but hits Rodolpho hard to try and make Catherine think less of Rodolpho by making him appear weak but this ploy did not work. In a dramatic scene Eddie kisses Catherine as he is trying to show two things his love for her and to show Rodolpho how a real man kisses. When Eddie makes one of his boldest moves of the play and in one of the most bizarre scenes of the play Eddie is again trying to undermine the love that Rodolpho and Catherine have for each other. Eddie kisses Rodolpho to again show two things that his failure to resist and shrug Eddie off and that he also enjoys kissing another man and the other reason was to partly humiliate Rodolpho but in doing so he has ultimately humiliated himself as he is the one who made the first move.

As the plot thickens as the play moves on I think it is at this time that we are subtly reminded of the Vinny Bolzano story that tells us of a man that 'squealed' on a good friend and that then got taken away by the Immigration Bureau and Vinny Bolzano was made a sort of outcast from society as a result of his actions as nobody trusted him anymore. I think Eddie is weighing these actions and consequences in his mind the options he has in front of him are to either tell the Immigration Bureau and that will get rid of Marco and Rodolpho or to put up with them until they leave. I suppose he will be going over the fact that he seems to be the only one that has this problem with the brothers and if he can get everybody on his side of the argument then he will be able to tell the Immigration Bureau and get his way and get away with it.

But after all that he has done in the play up till now has only helped him lose the audiences sympathy and when he actually calls the Immigration Bureau later on in the play he loses there sympathy altogether and now the audience start to feel negative emotions towards Eddie such as hatred and disgust. The audience now starts to give Rodolpho, Catherine and Marco support that they need. The light directions are very important at this stage in the play as, symbolically, the light above the phone box flickers on and off getting slowly brighter and brighter. This is to show to the audience that Eddie has begun to think seriously more and more about phoning the Immigration Bureau and when the lights stop flickering and go there brightest illuminating only the phone box then Eddie begins to walk over to the phone box. I was surprised that he did this after the Vinny Bolzano story that he told us and that he now finds himself doing what he was so disgusted at in the first place.

The climax of the play is in my opinion much like a showdown at the end of a western. Marco is coming back from jail to punish Eddie for his jealously and misdeeds. Eddie is still demanding his name back demanding of Marco

I want my name"

The entire community realises that Eddie does not deserve his name back they all know what he has done now the characters have lost their trust in him as well. Lipari and his wife start to walk off into the darkness of the stage Eddie shouting behind them and pleading with them to stop and to hear his side of the story. "He's crazy! I give them the blankets off my bed." This doesn't work for Eddie and Lipari keeps on walking into the darkness of the stage with his arm around his wife. Then Louis and Mike start to walk away from Eddie with their backs sharply turned against him Eddie calls after them but they ignore him and keep walking off into the darkness of the stage.

Again Eddie has failed to convince anybody that he was innocent and was not the one to blame "He's gonna take that back" Miller used this to show Eddie's isolation from the rest of the community nobody will ever trust him again after what he has done. He is now an outcast from the rest of his friends and even his family.

Later on in the play we see Marco and Alfieri at the police station where Marco is being held until his trial.

I can bail you out until your trial comes up"

He says he will do this on one condition Marco has to promise not to touch Eddie in any way

Unless I have your promise"

Marco does promise after being persuaded to do so by his brother. He promises on the grounds that he thinks that Eddie might want to apologise to him. We later find out that Eddie has no intention of apologising to Marco.

When Marco gets back to Eddie's home Eddie is waiting for him with a knife at the ready. When Marco sees this he finds a loophole in his promise to Alfieri. He knows that he can protect himself and yet still get what he wants but he wouldn't be breaking his word to Alfieri.

Eddie lunges with the knife and Marco grabs Eddies arm and turns the blade back on Eddie killing him Eddie has now in affect killed himself.

In conclusion I would like to say that Arthur Miller is using his play to tell us that he thinks there is a weakness in all of us which if it is not controlled can destroy us. Eddie Carbone's jealousy for the love that his niece had for one of his wife's relatives is a perfect example of this weakness that we all have in us and I agree with Arthur Miller.

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