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If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on friendship. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality friendship paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in friendship, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your friendship paper at affordable prices!

Have you ever heard of the story The Five Chinese Brothers? This story is a great example of friendship. Each of the five Chinese brothers looked exactly alike and had a very special talent. The first Chinese brother could swallow the sea, the second one had an iron neck, and the third one could stretch his legs as long as he wanted, the fourth one could not be burned, and the fifth one could hold his breath forever. The first Chinese brother would always go fishing and bring back great treasures and fish, because he could swallow the sea. When he took a little boy with him to go fishing the little boy ran out into the ocean after the first Chinese brother swallowed it. When the first Chinese brother motioned for him to come back, the kid ignored him and ran on. Eventually the first Chinese brother had to let it all out and drowned the boy. He was accused of murder and sentenced to have his head cut off. The first Chinese brother asked the judge if he could go home and bid his mom farewell, so he ran home and got the second Chinese brother who had the iron neck. They tried to cut his head off but they couldn't so they sentenced him to be drowned. The second Chinese brother asked the judge if he could go home and bid his mom farewell, so he ran home and got the third Chinese brother who could stretch his legs as long as he wanted. They couldn't drown him because he stretched his legs to the bottom of the ocean so they sentenced him to be burned at the stake. The third Chinese brother asked the judge if he could go home and bid his mom farewell, so he ran home and got the fourth Chinese brother who could not be burnt. When the people tried to burn him they got very angry because he would not burn so they sentenced him to be smothered. The fourth Chinese brother asked the judge if he could go home and bid his mom farewell, so he ran home and got the fifth Chinese brother who could hold his breath forever. They tried to smother him in whipped cream so he couldn't breathe but when they brought him out the next morning, he was just fine. The people couldn't believe it so they figured that because they couldn't kill him, he must be innocent. This shows that friendship is all about love, trust, and sacrifice.

When I look for a friend, I want them to have the same qualities that I have. I want them to believe mainly what I believe and have similar morals that I do. As a teenager, friends probably have the most influence on your actions. You often tend to do what your friends do. That is why I choose my friends carefully. I want my friends to be fun to be with, be caring, and I need to be able to TRUST them. If I can't have fun with my friends, then the odds are I'm, not going to hang out with them. I also want my friends to be caring so they are there when I need them. I really need to be able to trust my friend because trust is the most important thing in friendship. If you can't trust your friends then they aren't really your friends.

My friends Danny Hames and Andrew Stickman live by these qualities everyday. They are both really fun to be with. Whenever I'm with Andrew, everything we do is fun. We spent an hour and a half driving around town in a car and it was one of the most fun nights of my life. I also know that they are caring. Two years ago when my dog dies, my friend Danny sent my family and me a card saying they're sorry. He always tries to make me feel better when I'm feeling bad. He used to make me feel better when we played golf by repeatedly saying, (after my terrible shots) "Well Dan, if the hole would have been right there, you would have made it." I also know I can trust all of my friends. Whenever we have a group project I ask both of these guys to be in my group because I know that I can trust them to get their job done. I also know I can trust them because I have told them many secrets in my life that they haven't peeped a word. Write your friendship research paper

I feel that I am a good friend to others. I know that my friends have fun with me or else they wouldn't call me each night to see if I want to do something. My strengths would have to be that I'm a good listener, I am very caring and trustful, and I am always positive (I never have a bad time anywhere). Anytime my friends talk to me personally, I don't tell anyone what they have said and I just listen and don't voice out my opinion. I am affectionate to what they feel and respect. I know that I can be trusted because my parents raised me that way and I am very dependable. If some one asks me to do something important, I get it done on time and in a nice manner. Most of my classes' homework assignments show this. My weaknesses in friendship are that I am an instigator and I always seem to carry things on when I should just drop it. I also am very nosy. I stick my nose in where it doesn't belong. I need to learn to stay out of things that don't deal with me.

I could apply what I learned about friendship to Christ in many ways. I could apply what it means to be trustful and do as I have told God I would do. If I say I will keep the 10 commandments, then I can apply myself to keep them. The 10 commandments are like relationships to God. The more faithful I follow them, the more trust God has in me. I can also become better friends with God by listening and not voicing my opinion because Gods way is always the right way. The last way I could strengthen out relationship would be to be more caring to everyone because Jesus is in everyone and we treat Jesus the way we treat others.

There are many qualities of a good friend. I only named a couple of them that are important to me. Each friend you have is different, and you need to be able to find his or her certain qualities. Friendship is all about love trust and sacrifice. The only question is your going to act it, not just say it.

Please note that this sample paper on friendship is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on friendship, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on friendship will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

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