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The Manchurian Candidate

If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on The Manchurian Candidate. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality The Manchurian Candidate paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in The Manchurian Candidate, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your The Manchurian Candidate paper at affordable prices!

Raymond Shawn is the kindest, bravest, warmest, most wonderful human being I've ever met in my life." Evidently, this line is repeated periodically through the "The Manchurian Candidate." At first, the reader can believe that this description fits the character since he was awarded the Medal of Honor for his examples of courage in the Korean War. However, this contradicts the reality, which is that he is a murderer. This fact is compensated at the end of the movie when he realizes what he has done and kills Mrs. Johnny Iselin and Senator Johnny Iselin to diminish any chance the evil operation had of working. Ultimately, Raymond Shawn's portrayal of an honest and noble man was befitting because when he had sense of the evil he had execute, then he did everything in his power to save the country.

The plot of the movie helps the viewers understand the threat of communism in the 150's. An important symbol helps explain the plot of the movie. In the ketchup bottle, which is red indicating communism, 57 was the number that was visible in the bottle. This illustrates that there were 57 different communist. The film takes place during the time frame in history when the Korean War was at hand. The movie proceeds in this manner; Sergeant Raymond Shaw and Major Bennet Marco are part of an American infantry platoon that is serving overseas in Korea. In the beginning the unlikable Sergeant restrains the late night carousing of his troops in Korean brothel-bar. Although they dislike his order abnormally, the soldiers still regard Raymond Shaw as lovable.

In the movie Chunjin, strategically, captures the Americans and embarks them into a helicopter without their consent. They are flown to Manchuria where they are brain washed. This nation stingingly guards its highest award for valor- the Congressional Medal of Honor. Oddly, in the Korean War, with five million, seven hundred and twenty thousand personnel engaged, only seventy-seven men were so honored, with Sergeant Raymond Shaw being one of them. After he was brain washed, Raymond Shaw was placed in Washington to be praised for his performance at war.Do my essay on The Manchurian Candidate CHEAP!

"Raymond, why don't you pass the time by playing a little solitaire." It is visible that through this trigger phrase Raymond Shaw is vulnerable to anything someone commands him to do whether evil or not. Despite his unmoral action due to the affects of the phrase, on the afternoon of his arrival in Washington, the President of the United States decorated Raymond Shaw at the White House. His citation attested to by his commanding officer, Major Bennet Marco and the nine surviving members of his patrol, read in part displaying valor above and beyond the call of duty did single handedly save the lives of nine members of his patrol, capturing an enemy machine gun nest and taking out in the process a full company of enemy infantry. He then proceeded to lead his patrol, which adversely had been listed as missing in action for three days back through the enemy lines of safety. Obviously, this did not occur but the high quality deceiving techniques of the communist, programmed Raymond Shaw to narrate the story in that manner. Through the effects of the Queen of diamond, it activates the key to his brainwashing state, which Major Bennet Marco witnesses Raymond Shaw committing two killings while in Manchuria. Gradually, Major Bennet Marco completes the puzzle and realizes that his nightmares are referring to the most "loveable man" Raymond Shaw. He further investigates and realizes that Raymond Shaw is a train killer, which has no sense of his murders. As the movie progresses Major Bennet Marco soon figures out a way to reverse the hypnosis and prevent the national disaster of the killing of a politician.

Mrs. Johnny Iselin is the mastermind behind the operation, accompanied be her husband. She also manipulates her son for the greed of power. Her intensions are clearly seen when the assassin receives his important assignment near the conclusion of the movie. Mrs. Johnny Iselin often shows very little concern towards the welfare of her son or any of her loved ones and only uses them for her own needs. As the film progresses it is evident that Mrs. Johnny Iselin is so power hungry that she tell her son how little she cares for the Soviets and yet she still supports the operation, which she plans on influencing in order so she could acquire all the power.

Senator Johnny Iselin is a political fool who is easily manipulated by his wife. Throughout the movie one can see that the Senator was controlled be his wife. Mrs. Johnny Iselin used Senator Johnny Iselin as a puppet to achieve anything she wanted to be done. It was apparent that the Senator cared little about the election, but proceeded because of the influence of his wife. In reality, Senator Iselin is a true follower of McCarthyism.

McCarthyism attracted national attention in February of 150 with the charge that communists had infiltrated the department of state. Accusations were never substantiated but he repeatedly accused various high-ranking officials of the subversive activities.

The Manchurian Candidate" is an extremely informative film that recapitulates the influence communism had on the U.S. This 160's film is an example of the political suspicion of communism. It is a satire on the political circus of the time. This movie still has its relevance considering the North Korea is still in a state of turmoil.

Please note that this sample paper on The Manchurian Candidate is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on The Manchurian Candidate, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on The Manchurian Candidate will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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