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A Pray for anorexic men

If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on A Pray for anorexic men. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality A Pray for anorexic men paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in A Pray for anorexic men, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your A Pray for anorexic men paper at affordable prices!

Throughout life, one will encounter certain people, situations and decisions that will alter the way her or she thinks and acts forever. For some, these circumstances lead to new lifestyles and altered ways of thinking. In the novel Angela's Ashes by Frank McCourt, the protagonist Frank is in a constant struggle of finding himself. Not only is he being pushed by his family to act one ways and hold certain beliefs but, he has other forces pushes him in new directions. The church and his culture for one had been in the background of all his decisions and morals for his upbringing. However, society is allowing him to see different alternatives to choices in life. Once Frank sees what he can do with his life outside of his family, he is offered more opportunities that his parents never received. This permits Frank to grow into a different person than his father Malachy. How his father and original lifestyle will react to these changes his a gamble. Frank maturation from boy to adult is a very involved and great hardship for a young person. This is what makes the novel so intriguing though. Not only will Frank find out the possibilities in life but, he will act on them.

Frank was close with his family from the start because he had to live in such close quarters and under such tight conditions, they had no other option. Although his family was not a perfect example on how to live, they helped him to develop into the young man. His father Malachy was a know alcoholic, who would constantly drink away the dole money for the family. Although he had a problem that deeply effected the family, he was a good father. Malachy loved the family and made Frank and his brothers promise to die for Ireland. This was not exactly what Frank wanted though. As a little boy he was forced to follow what his parents had constantly been drilling into his head. His parent's behavior influenced whether of not he would make certain decisions. Frank was also taught may life lessons from his parents, especially since they were so bad off. For example, when Frank and his father need coal so baby Oliver can have a hot drink, Malachy tells Frank to never be such a beggar to take coal from the street because then you have no pride. Certain things like that forced Frank to think differently and make different decisions because his fathers influence acted as life lessons. Frank's parents also enforced the Irish culture and Catholic religion on him. Frank is forced to move with his family for New York to Ireland. This is a major change for a young kid because he will now have to adjust to the Irish culture and being with children who are strictly Irish. Frank is made fun of for being poor and not originally coming from Ireland. This builds up Frank's character though in the long run and helps him to be less ashamed of himself as a person. Frank's religion is also a big part in developing his character because his parents make him go through communion and confirmation. Frank also deals with a lot of his problems by going to the church and confessing. He feels very guilty about sexual things because his religion does not condone them.

Another major force in Frank maturation into a young man, is society. When Frank is in the hospital with typhoid fever he is introduced into a whole new outlook on life. The janitor Seamus and a sickly girl named Theresa establish Frank's †relationship” with Shakespeare. Once Frank gets into that, he is immediately hooked on reading and learning. His family however does not fully approve of this. His Grandma even blames a nasty eye infection Frank gets on reading too much. Frank however begins to mature a lot through the knowledge he gains in books. Books and reading give him more opportunities in life, that his parents could not get because of their lack of education. Frank also gets into different jobs throughout the community which help add to his development of character and opportunities. Without these experiences Frank would have a lot less time to mature into a grown young man and not nearly enough possibilities for a bright future.

As Frank grows and develops he begins to go his own route and break the †rules” that were once placed before him. He knows his Grandma hates him to read but he does anyway, he also masturbates even though the church does not allow that, he defies Laman, and eventually has sex with Theresa which is a total sin. These new experiences for Frank are signs of him breaking away from his practiced lifestyle. Frank eventually thinks he is too good to take the post office exam, knowing he can get farther in life. He also started saving some money each week from his pay so he could one day go to America. Frank finally does leave Limerick which is very had for him but shows how much he has matured. His first night in Manhattan he sleeps with a random woman which demonstrates how his views have changed and he is now his own person. Write my Essay on A Pray for anorexic men for me

Although there were many factors influencing Frank McCourt's character in Angela's Ashes, he eventually broke away from them and matured into his own person. Granted Frank took many life experiences from his family and culture with him for life, he also made many observations and new theories on his own. Frank's maturation from a boy to a young man is seen in many different way throughout the novel. In the long run however, it is Frank himself who allowed himself to experience new things and grow without the help of outside factors. Frank matured into his own person and was able to learn from other people's mistakes to help him avoid those gaffes for himself. Overall Frank McCourt was able to become a mature young man with a lot of help by himself

Please note that this sample paper on A Pray for anorexic men is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on A Pray for anorexic men, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on A Pray for anorexic men will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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