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Business and communication systems - internal and external communications

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Business and communication systems - internal and external communications. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Business and communication systems - internal and external communications paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Business and communication systems - internal and external communications, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Business and communication systems - internal and external communications paper at affordable prices!

Communication systems

Investigate the forms of communication, internally and externally of a company

Some of us can understand a message immediately, some of us cannot. We sometimes cannot even agree what it is that is being said. If this is so, it is not surprising that we sometimes get a communications breakdown. For example, during World War One, a platoon of soldiers sent a message to headquarters 'Send reinforcements, we're going to advance.' Unfortunately, communication was not very good and the message was received as 'Send three and fourpence, we're going to a dance!' This may sound funny to us but, as I am sure you can imagine, this was far funny for the soldiers waiting for the reinforcements. So you can see the importance of communication around the world.

Communication is essential to the running of a business. Without good communication the business will surely fail. To illustrate my point I have decided to use a typical company, which the average person will almost certainly come across in their lives, Dan Motors. I will investigate the systems of communication within this business, internally and externally.

Custom Essays on Business and communication systems - internal and external communications

Good Communication is extremely important in any business. Having good communication between the managers, directors, workers and others is necessary so that goals can be achieved and that everyone will have good understanding between each other.

All businesses have objectives and targets which all must be fulfilled. The main goals of businesses include pleasing customers and obviously gaining money. These can only be done with support from every member of staff and help from suppliers and allies.

With poor conditions of interaction in a business, nothing will be achieved. For example, if an order placed through requested a certain amount of an item and the order came through with less than required, then you'll have a weary customer. This would damage the business' reputation and trust from the customer. With perfect or adequate communication between staff, problems like these are certain not to happen.

There are several ways how people and businesses interact with each other. Here are a two of internal and external.

Internal Communication


Talking to people is the easiest way to interact with one another. This can be done by verbal communication face-to-face. During meetings and gatherings people express themselves with their body language and tone of verbal language. This way everyone can understand what exactly is going on because it is immediate and straightforward.

Written messages - Memos

Most messages and notes are placed on paper. Sometimes whenever someone is unavailable, a written message is left for him or her. Telephone messages are recorded on paper then passed on to the recipient.

External Communication


Sometimes documents can be attached to e-mail with a message or vice-versa. Its not just e-mail that is involved in electronic communication, it also involves faxes and telephones. Some computers are programmed through a network with instant messengers. You can have a written conversation using these. These are not reliable as the messages may be lost in cyberspace and not delivered.


Nearly all contact externally is done with letters, as it can be short and formal. When writing letters you can write a letter once and send it to many people using 'mail merge', for instance, when writing to customers about a new product you can send it to all existing customers and maybe trying to attract new ones quite easily, these are very reliable because you know that they will be delivered, but it may take a while to deliver due to delays in the post office.

Each method is used in a relative way compared to what the task is, whether it is internal or external. Internal Communication includes verbal communication, e-mail, memos, intercom via telephones, computer network, notices and messages, and also through meetings. External communication includes fax, telephone, mobile, pager, video conferencing, the Internet, e-mail, and through a computer network.

E-mail can be classified as internal as well as external because mail can be sent anywhere as long as it is to a specified address of another staff member, for example, too far to reach within the building. Once e-mail has been sent, it should be received straight away. This is a convenient way of sending long messages or documents. One bad disadvantage of using e-mail is that you can receive viruses and maybe send them accidentally. This would give the firm a bad reputation. Another problem is that you need a computer or a device that is able to send and receive e-mail; this might lead to a large amount of money being spent on machines.

Written memos and notices are mainly short messages or notes on paper. Whenever someone is unavailable then the message is written on paper. These aren't as reliable because you'll never know when the recipient will come back.

Telephones are the easiest way of communicating within a building. Calls can be transferred from one department to another via intercom to provide help and service, as long there is a phone around.

When the company communicates with another party other than the firm, we call this external communication. This involves fax, telephone, mobile phone or pager, video conferencing, e-mail, through a network, and also the Internet.

Fax is a way of sending forms and documents all over the world via telephone lines. Documents come in clear but can sometimes take their time. Fax can authorise documents with a signature. The sender and receiver must both have fax machines. Fax machines are relatively cheap, as there are different ways of communication emerging. Fax machines are quite expensive depending on quality.

I produced questionnaires for the members of staff. I chose to use questionnaire rather than survey or observation because I think that the others aren't as reliable as a questionnaire. By using questionnaire, I can have direct contact with the member of staff. If I used a postal questionnaire or survey I wouldn't be able to gather different views or any expressions. I had direct contact with the respondent so I was able to correct them and also tell them how to answer the question. I was also able to collect the right information needed. My opinion was that the company would use e-mail and telephone calls for quick and easy access between the directors and staff.

The company would be able to use telephones to keep in-touch with their customers and also other firms. Telephones are very common and quite cheap with calls from around 1p a minute. Telephones are the easiest form of communication to use. Each phone has a different identity number (telephone number). Communication can be received just seconds after a number being dialled. Telephones are very reliable and efficient because calls are made manually.

E-mails could be used to dispatch frequent orders to staff as well as their partner companies. The e-mail service could also be used as a newsletter to their customers. E-mails can also be received seconds after being sent. Most e-mail networks have user names and passwords so that the information sent to you is private and classified. To send e-mails, all you have to do is write the e-mail address, and include the text, diagram, application, etc. and then send. It is that easy to use e-mail. E-mail is quite reliable but there are some cases when servers break down where the e-mail cannot be sent, and therefore cannot be received. Another problem is manual error when typing email addresses.

I believe that my suggestions should satisfy the firm excellently. They communicate effectively between each other by using telephones to interact verbally, to use e-mails to keep up-to-date with each other or to send and receive forms or reports and to use video conferencing when holding meetings to prevent travel costs. Within the sites they have telephones connected on the intercom so they can all keep in touch. They will also have the instant messengers installed on the computers. When communicating with other businesses or customers they would still be using telephone, fax and e-mail. They would call and receive calls through telephone from customers to have a brief word. They would use fax machine to dispatch application forms and other documents and also receive them, these can also be done using e-mail. E-mail is more efficient because there is no limit of how much you can send and also that once sent; it will be received straight away.

After observations at Autobahn, I have learned that there are various methods of communication depending whom the correspondent is. This has played a part on my recommendations. I have found out that most orders are placed through fax rather than telephone because of costs. There are several departments at Autobahn and they use intercom, so this has influenced me to use an intercom to link all the departments via telephone.

Please note that this sample paper on Business and communication systems - internal and external communications is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Business and communication systems - internal and external communications, we are here to assist you. Your persuasive essay on Business and communication systems - internal and external communications will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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