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Antioch college

If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on antioch college. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality antioch college paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in antioch college, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your antioch college paper at affordable prices!

Ever since the beginning of time humans have been having sex. Since the beginning there has been argument about what role and rights women and men have considering the topic of sex, ideas have varied widely over time from one extreme to another.

One of these widely varying opinions came about in a college called Antioch. In 10 student decided that they're sexually offense policy needed to be changed to fit the needs of their student body. Antioch decided to do this due to the high number of problems with sexual assault cases. Students and faculty member decided on a plan that to most college students would seem radical. The policy was one that students must obtain verbal consent for every sexual act and every step of the way. The policy is to make both participants feel that they have no fear of doing something wrong because each step is agreed upon before they can proceed. Many might feel that this policy could ruin the moment or be awkward but as quoted "yes, I want to ' may be one of the most arousing words in the English language."

I think what led up to this policy being instituted was a culmination of the history of the way rape and women have been treated.

In the 1600's courts did not speculate about the possibility of false accusers, it was believed that a women who reported being raped was telling the truth and that she would have no reason to lie. Very few rapes occurred and during this time it was thought that both men and women have the same sexual appetite. Later in the mid seventeenth century the idea of false accusers came about by English judge named Matthew Hale he said that "Rape is a most detestable crime, and therefore ought severely and impartially to be punished with death; but it must be remembered that it is an accusation easy to be made, hard to be proved, but harder to be defended by the party accused, though innocent." In the nineteenth century women were taught that chastity was proper and polite, which in turned stopped women from being the sexual aggressors. Women who reported rape in this period were scrutinized on there past for prior acts of sexual deviance. They also believed that once "fallen" a woman was always ready for sex. In the twentieth century Darwin spoke of males sexual dominance as something that was biological and that female sex drive was passive but liked the idea of forceful seduction and things such as rape. Freud thought basically the same except he said that the women must remain sexually passive and say no when she meant yes. He also believed that women could be deviant and could still be false accusers of rape. In the 0's through the 60's a sexual revolution appeared as where the majority of women were engaging in premarital sex. During this time period women were not seen as equal partners to men. Feminism arose and women fought to have rape laws changed to make it easier to get convictions. The proposition that no means no came about and the idea that earnest or utmost resistance need not be necessary for nonconsent. This was thought to help make rape trials fair and to make the fear of false accusers and women's reputations not as important. Currently rape laws vary from state to state. Some states require that the female show utmost resistance which means show some sort of physical resistance other states require that you show only ernest resistance which can vary on the situation and you are not required to have physical resistance to have rape.

I fell that the Antioch sexual offense policy is a very good idea. I feel that this is a very specific policy that makes each partner in the relationship equally responsible. This policy causes the participants to feel more comfortable in knowing that what they are doing is a wanted and consentful act. It decreases the possibility of something unwanted happening in the relationship or sexual encounter. The policy specifically states that each person must verbally commit before proceeding to the next level and that if one or both of the participants is under the influence of drugs or alcohol then the verbalization may not stand up as consent. I think by putting that part of the policy in helps reduce the number of unwanted sex due to alcohol. This rule also may help curb rape in the sense that when you are sober you no what is going on around you a lot better than when you are under the influence of alcohol or drugs. I feel that this will help make allegations of rape more believable to a jury if no alcohol or drugs were involved. It may also help reduce the feelings of regret in a way that you must talk about what you are doing before it can be done.This policy helps stop the defense of a man or a women accused of being a rapists from saying I thought she or he wanted to have sex, this policy takes out any doubt to what is wanted or intended.Even though I think this policy is a good idea I don't know if it would work on a large-scale campus such as the University of Iowa. I feel the enforcement of such a policy on a large scale would have to be left up to students, and with as many students as are enrolled in Iowa it would be almost impossible as well as improbable that every one would stand by this policy. It is my opinion if this policy is to work, as in Ohio; it would have to be instituted by a majority student choice as in Antioch, not by force or law. In my opinion the policy does have one error in that saying all acts require a verbal agreement or disagreement, the policy states that "The person with whom sexual contact/conduct is initiated is responsible to express verbally and or physically his or her willingness or lack of willingness when reasonable possible." This statement to me gives rise that physical advancement or lack of, counts as consent or non-consent and the statement does not fit with the theme of the policy, which is a verbal consent. The policy also stops the idea that the "women deserved what she got" because of things such as were she was at, what type of clothes she had on and so forth.

Please note that this sample paper on antioch college is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on antioch college, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on antioch college will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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