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Nuclear power and its alternatives

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Nuclear power and its alternatives. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Nuclear power and its alternatives paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Nuclear power and its alternatives, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Nuclear power and its alternatives paper at affordable prices!

Because of increasing needs of energy, decision-makers have started considering two new nuclear power plants to Finland. Nuclear-power is very effective, but is it the best alternative? Increasing amounts of pollution have started conversations about environmental threats and nowdays people are more interested about hazards that some energy-plants lift up to atmosphere. Our polluted planet is starting to suffer from greenhouse effect, or global warming. Increasing global temperatures are causing polar caps to melt, which rises sea-levels. Many things must be noticed when financially-thinking businessmen start thinking options for existing power plants.

As it was said before, nuclear power plants are very effective and they don't pollute the atmosphere or soil directly. But there are still some problems like nuclear waste. Power plants produce radioactive hazard which must be buried deep to the ground for a very long time. Another risk is the possibility of a nuclear meltdown, like in Tsernobyl some years ago. It created a huge environmental catastrophe and its consequences are still affecting the nature and the people around the world.

Other options are for example, solar-plants which are expensive and non-effective but fully non-polluting. Wind-plants are also clear, but you need many of them to produce needed energy. They also affect the desirability of the location. (appearance) Hydro-plants and dams are a good choice. They are quite effective and they waste nature almost as little as solar- and wind-plants. The only problem is that to build a hydro-plant, you need water, of course. This means that these plants can only be used is certain places.

Personally I prefer nuclear power. To replace two nuclear power plants, you would need many other plants and that would be extremely expensive. Maybe one day scientists find a way to eliminate the risk of meltdowns and find a better way to deal with radioactive waste. When that day comes, nuclear power will be probably the best method to produce energy. (At least before invention of working fusion-power…)

Custom Essays on Nuclear power and its alternatives

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