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French love

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on French love. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality French love paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in French love, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your French love paper at affordable prices!

Van Gogh

1.The two paintings "Sight of the Sea of Shereningen", painted in 188 and "Exit the Church of Nuenen", painted in 1884 were recovered Saturday said of spokesman of the morning before 8 o'clock standard time, told a spokesman of the museum named Saskia Beukers.

.The two paintings, which are not assured, have a probable value of several million Euros if one compares them with similar pieces of the same period indicated the museum's director John Leighton. H also specified "Exit the Church of Nuenen" had a strong emotional value since Van Gogh showed the church that his father used to work at as a Pasteur. Write your French love research paper

.The robbers got into the museum by the roof. This was determined because a ladder and a cord had been found in the back of the museum. The museum director said the alarm system, the personnel, and the police reacted very quickly to the crime.

4.As soon as the guards gave alarm, the police surrounded the museum because they thought the robbers were still near the building, it was not clear however where the robbers were.

5. Around midday investigators inspected the museum where they thought the robbers still might be. The museum sent away tourists and remained closed for the fifteen hours or more, according to progression of the investigation, but would reopen on Sunday.

6.More than 1 million people visit the famous Dutch museum each year. Visitors were confused when the doors were shut and guarded on Saturday. When people see the wall there will be imitations of the paintings where the original ones used to be.

7.The paintings were flown back five days later after the burglars were caught on surveillance camera for stealing diamonds and jewels in Museon of Hague.

8.In 11, Van Gogh's "Sunflowers" was stolen but quickly recovered. The paintings of Van Gogh are negotiated for tens of millions of dollars. "The Portrait of Dr. Gachet" remains the most expensive going for 8.5 million dollars in 10.

.Deux tableaux ont ete derobes Samedi 7 decembre au musee Van Gogh. Les voleurs ont penetre dans le musee par le toit. On ce decouvrit parce-qu'une echelle et une corde avaient ete retrouvees a l'arriere du musee. Les cambrioleurs avaient reussi a s'introduire dans le musee alors que les gardiens surveillaient le lieu par ecrans videos.

10.10 Vocab Words

de plusieurs- several

une porte-parole- guard

le toit-roof

une echelle- ladder



le cambrioleur-burglar


dont- of which


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