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If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on attachment. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality attachment paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in attachment, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your attachment paper at affordable prices!

This essay discusses the importance of attachment between mother (care-giver) and child. Many child psychologists have experimented on subjects and each of them have their own opinions and beliefs. The most common name you would hear if you were to ask about attachment would be John Bowlby. He is the person who first came up with the idea about mother-child bonding.

The term attachment was first introduced by John Bowlby (158), a British child psychiatrist. Bowlby believed that humans have a biological, or inherited need to form attachment. He suggested that infants use genetically inherited abilities such as crying, smiling, gazing, vocalising and clinging to get near to their main caregiver, or to get their caregiver to come to them. These behaviours, according to Bowlby, bring about attachment responses from the main caregiver who has a biological need to be near and to protect their offspring. For example, the main caregiver responds to the infant's attachment signals with nurturing behaviours such as feeding, touching and cuddling. Bowlby emphasised that attachment is a two-way relationship and both the infant and main caregiver play important roles in its formation. He believed infant-caregiver interaction promotes close contact and, over time, strengthens the bond between them. He also suggested that the first year of life was a critical period for an infant to form an attachment to its main caregiver. During this time, according to Bowlby, the infant is especially receptive to the main caregiver. If a close emotional tie is not developed in the critical period, or is broken, social and emotional development would be disrupted and there would be significant consequences for mental health and well being later in life. For example, in his work as a psychiatrist, Bowlby found that many people in psychiatric hospitals and prison institutions had not formed an attachment during infancy.

An initial series of studies reported by Marshall Klaus and John Kennell (18) seemed to suggest that close early contact between a mother and her infant has lasting benefits. According to Klaus and Kennell, the first few hours after birth are a sensitive period. Therefore mother-child pairs who spend extra time together form a stronger emotional bond. This is especially true, they believe, if skin-to-skin

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