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Battle of Gettysburg

If you order your cheap custom essays from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Battle of Gettysburg. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Battle of Gettysburg paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Battle of Gettysburg, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Battle of Gettysburg paper at affordable prices!

Battle of Gettysburg

In May of 186 in General Lee received approval to invade the north. Lees Army camps and marched west. The Federal Army under General Hooker wasnt sure what Lee was going to do. On June , Hooker ordered cavalry with 11,000 men toward Brandy Station. The cavalries came together, and the largest cavalry battle of the war ensued took place. The result was a standoff. But now the North was alerted of the Southern invasion.

July 1, 186. After they found out that Gettysburg was occupied the Confederates sent men down the road to drive away the enemy and occupy Gettysburg. The battle began at 5.0 a.m., when shots were exchanged over Marsh Creek. The South pushed on until about miles from Gettysburg. Soon after 100 a.m. back up had arrived. By 11.0 a.m. the North had sent the South into a small retreat. At p.m. Southern troops aided the already fighting men. At p.m., the battle spread north of the town. By 4 p.m., both Federal corps was in retreat through Gettysburg. Federal losses were over ,000, including about ,000 captured.The Confederate losses were of about 6,500.

July , 16. The success of the Southern army encouraged the battle on July the South had lots of vigor and was ready to battle. But the North was not about to give up. The North set up a plan to flank the Confederates as they came in. They created a massive corps that neared almost 0,000. As the Confederates slowly came they took base at the top of an orchard hill. The Union Solders took the aggression and charged the South, even though the numbers were unequal the North pummeled the South into retreat. The second days fighting cost each army about ,000 losses.

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July , 186. Northern forces had built up and were prepared for the day. Lee's army was not rattled by the day before. The Confederates came and attacked around 1100 a.m. At l 00 p.m. the South bombarded the North with great force. The Federal army replied with approximately 80 cannon and man to man combats. After the bombardment stopped, the infantry went forward. This has been known as Picket's Charge. This was very ineffective as rifles took them out. The attack ended in disaster, with nearly 5,600 Confederate deaths. Over all Federal losses were around ,000, while the Confederates lost around 8,000.

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