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Compare yourself to that of Apollo and Dionysus

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Compare yourself to that of Apollo and Dionysus. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Compare yourself to that of Apollo and Dionysus paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Compare yourself to that of Apollo and Dionysus, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Compare yourself to that of Apollo and Dionysus paper at affordable prices!

I would consider myself to be 60% Apollo and 40% Dionysus. Like Apollo I am very rational. I do not act out with sudden unjust cause. I look at both sides of the situation before I react. Most often I am very peaceful, looking for ways to help somebody. I get a real sense of enjoyment in aiding someone. I do not see pleasing people as a chore but more as a self-benefit. Some could argue in a way that is more along the lines of Dionysus. I still view my acts as Apollo due the fact that my overall sense of appreciation for other people allows me to perform these acts.

While helping people benefits me with pleasure, I would not consider it as my main reason for doing so. There are times when you must do for yourself. It could be a fatal thing to get wrapped up in doing for other people are become unaware of your own well being. I now understand Dionysus for his actions, but it all depends on whether or not you come first or other people. Either way there is no wrong solution. I believe most people choose themselves first and there is nothing wrong with that. If you continue to do only for yourself you could continue to do real harm to yourself.

I consider myself to be a healthy combination of both Apollo and Dionysus. Contributing my help to other people even though I might not get what I need in the end is alright with me. I will use the World Trade Center attack as an example. I would make sure other people are brought to safety before taking care of my own well being. Not to completely throw myself in danger, but in a reasonable way make sure I got as many people as I could to shelter. Thus of course after the Towers collapsed. Which is were my side of Dionysus shows its face.

I do not see myself running into total danger to save strangers, such as in a robbery. Unless the situation looked just right I would make sure myself was taken care of first.

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What about loved ones? There is a special person very dear to me that I would do absolutely anything for. Anything. I love them that much. That is why I lean more towards Apollo. I would endow the bounds of hell for them. My personal satisfaction goes right out the window when I sense the slightest suffering from them.

I am very content with the way I perceive my values. I consider myself to be a very caring and compassionate person. I do for other people all the time. It does not even matter whether or not they notice, as long as I make their day that much better. Sure there are times when doing for myself could be so much easier than for others but that would go against my moral standards. Someone's morals are very much a part of what defines that person.

I see myself as close to my ideal values. I do not fully understand how to please others and myself at the same time but I am slowly realizing. It is a long road to moral perfection, one I am willing to take in order to become that much better of a person.

I figure if I keep on helping others and myself in equal rotation one day I'll realize what it means to have moral perfection.If I see someone in a dilemma and I can be of service I will be glad to help. Although, If I see myself in that same dilemma I would first look for an equal solution and if not one, depending upon how severe I would help others first. If an extreme case myself would definitely come first because I know I will continue to help others.

I can not really say where this will get me one day. It may get me nowhere but that is not the point. I can tell you I know it wont get me offering my advise for money, that would go completely against what I believe in.

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