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If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Chemistry. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Chemistry paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Chemistry, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Chemistry paper at affordable prices!

Step's to the scientific method

1. Observing- observing is the use of the senses to obtain information. Observation often involves making measurements and collecting data. The data may be descriptive or numerical in nature.

. Formulating Hypotheses- The hypothesis serves as a basis for making predictions and for carrying out further experiments. Hypotheses are often drafted as "if-then" statements. The "then" part of the hypothesis is a prediction that is the basis for testing by experiment.

. Testing Hypotheses- Testing hypotheses requires experimentation that provides data to support of refute a hypothesis or theory. If testing reveals that the predications were not correct, the generalizations on which the predictions were based must be discarded or modified. One of the most difficult, yet most important aspects of science is rejecting a hypothesis that is not supported by data.

Cheap custom writing service can write essays on Chemistry

4. Theorizing- when the data from experiments show that the predictions of the hypothesis are successful, scientists typically try to explain the phenomena they are studying by constructing a model. Theories are considered successful if they can predict the results of many new experiments.

Qualitative vs. Quantitative

Qualitative- to define the properties in an experiment

Quantitative- numbering the amount in experiments


Properties of Matter

Extensive- depends on the amount of matter that is present.

Intensive- does not depend on the amount of matter that is present.

Physical- A characteristic that can be observed or measured without changing the identity of the substance.

Chemical- Relates to a substances ability to undergo changes that transform it into different substances.

Physical changes- a change in a substance that does not involve a change in the identity of a substance. Ex. Grinding, cutting, melting, and boiling.

Chemical change- a change in which one or more substances are converted into different substances.

Solids, Liquids, Gases and Plasma

Solids- a state that has definite volume and definite shape.

Liquid- a state that has a definite volume but an indefinite shape

Gas- a state has neither definite volume nor definite shape

Plasma- A high temperature physical state of matter in which atoms lose their electrons.

Elements vs. Compounds

Element- A pure substance made up of only one kind of atom.

Compound- A substance that is made from the atoms of two or more elements.

Non-metals, Metals, Metalloids, and Noble Gases

Non-metal- An element that is a poor conductor of heat and electricity.

Metals- An element that is a good conductor of heat and electricity.

Metalloids- An element that has some characteristics of metals and some characteristics of non-metals.

Noble Gases- Elements that are generally unreactive, with low reactivity.

SI Units and Prefixes


QuantityQuantity SymbolUnit NameUnit Abbreviation





Amount of SubstanceNMoleMol

Electric currentIAmpereA

Luminous IntensitylvCandelaCD


PrefixUnit abbreviationExponential FactorMeaning

TeraT1011 000 000 000 000

GigaG101 000 000 000

MegaM1061 000 000







MicroM10-61/1 000 000

NanoN10-1/100 000 000

PicoP10-11/1 000 000 000 000

FemtoF10-51/1 000 000 000 000 000

AttoA10-181/1 000 000 000 000 000 000

Homogeneous Vs. Heterogeneous

Homogeneous- Some mixtures are uniform in composition; such as salt solutions.

Heterogeneous- Mixtures that are not uniform throughout; clay in water.

Pure vs. Mixtures

Mixture- A blend of two or more kinds of matter, of which retains its own identity and properties.

Pure Substance- It has a fixed composition and differs from a mixture.

Please note that this sample paper on Chemistry is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Chemistry, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on Chemistry will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

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