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Parable of The Lost Sheep, Lost Coin and Lost Son

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Parable of The Lost Sheep, Lost Coin and Lost Son. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Parable of The Lost Sheep, Lost Coin and Lost Son paper right on time.

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There are a lot of people in Ukraine who come to the Orthodox Church for the very first time. Most of them are well educated and enter the church after the long atheistic period of the Soviet Union. They were brought up without any belief in God in their hearts. Today the former atheists begin to understand eternal truths. They would like to find the answers for questions, like following why does humankind live and how should people spend lifetime? I would like to explain them the Parable of The Lost Sheep, Lost Coin and Lost Son. Now people's souls open for God and God is always glad to accept their repentance. But these people want to know some explanations from Bible and the life of Jesus Christ to make their faith stronger. The Parable of The Lost Sheep, Lost Coin and Lost Son lets such people know, that there is never "late" for belief in God and repent. It helps them to be sure they will receive God's grace. It is no matter for God what we did in our past. He only wants to hear our repentance.

These three parables we read only in Gospel of St. Luke. Pharisees and scribers denounced Jesus Christ for consorting and eating with sinners and tax collectors who were "the lowest of the low" in the country for Jewish people of that period of time. It was thought if a man eats with sinners he is one of them, so he is a sinner also. A good person should not even approach sinful and sick people. The answer of Jesus Christ to Pharisees and the teachers of law is in these three parables. He tried to show them how big is the gladness on the Heaven, when sinners, who were almost lost for the Kingdom of God, come to the temple the house of God, and repent. Jesus explained that he came to save sinners not righteous. Righteouses think there is no need to repent, because they are already sinless. Therefore they are already saved. The initial and grave sin is to be sure you do not have any sins…The Evangelists preserved the parables of lost and found for the church, because they knew, that Gospels should be preached in many of gentile countries. These parables help gentiles to understand the purpose of Jesus' coming and prevent them from proud and arrogance.

In the parables of The lost Coin and Lost Sheep Jesus used the natural feature of people who are gladder to obtain what they had lost, rather then what they had not lost, even if it is more expensive. Jesus told about a sheep, because it is a very simple animal. It cares only about food. It could easily go wrong way and be lost. A Shepherd should lead a sheep. If he loses it and then finds it, he is exhilarated about it. Shepherd's jubilation is so big that he invites his friends and celebrates it with them. Archbishop Sylvester wrotethat this is how God worries about sinners. He looks for the lost souls, makes them clean of sins and then rejoices in their repentance.

Jesus also told the parable of the coin. It was lost in the dark and a woman should have lit the candle to find it. Darkness means the life without God in one's heart. The woman did not think about nine coins but started to look for one coin she had lost. Even though nine are cost more then one, the lost coin seemed to be more precious for the woman. God also comes and searches for the lost soul, he is welcomed every single sinner. The same thing happens in our lives. For example I am studying at university several subjects. Some of them are my favorite. When I easily have "A" grades for them I am not excited about it, because it is as it should be. But I feel real gladness when I have a good mark for a subject, which is very hard for me to study and understand.

Custom Essays on Parable of The Lost Sheep, Lost Coin and Lost Son

In parable of the lost son Jesus said about a man who had two sons. There is a good interpretation in "×åòâåðîåâàíãå èå" written by archbishop Averkiy . He wrote that Jesus introduced God as a father of two brothers; the lost brother is a sinner and other is a pretended righteous, like Pharisees and the teachers of the law. The sons lived with their father, but the younger son asked father to give him his part of the inheritance.

The father divided all the property he had between his sons. When the youngest son received everything he wanted, the desire to live free of any obligations grew in his soul. He left the house of his father and went to a faraway country. But he was wet behind the ears and inexperienced to live righteously without the father's support. This poor man spent everything he possessed. Moreover his life was sinful. Unfortunately some people who are given by God a great skills or talents, find pleasure in the sinful life and do not want to live according with God's law. God sends suffering to such people. He does not want to punish them, but He tries to make them think of what they have been doing and repent. The same happened with the young man. A famine came to the country where he had been living. The man suffered, but finally he agreed to do a very humiliating job He fed pigs. Averciy wrote that this is the most degrading work for Jewish people, because pigs are not kosher animals. The young man was very hungry and even ate pods, which was the food for pigs. He was absolutely alone in his sorrow and no one offered him any help.

While suffering, the lost son understood how awful and sinful his life had been. He came to himself and thought about his father. He wanted to come back home. He desired to receive the forgiveness from his father, repent and never do such bad things again. But he was afraid and did not even think that father could accept him as own son. He would be glad to be just one of the father's worker. He knew that he had sinned not only against his father, but also against Heaven. His loyal father saw him from the distance. He was so glad to have his son again, that he run toward the young man and kissed him. It was like a second birth of his son. The father did not want to hear the son's repentance. Instead he fed him with the best food, gave him the best robe and even put a ring from his own finger. S.Govorun explained in his work "Ïðèò÷à î á óäíîì ñ íå" , that the ring is the sigh of son hood. When people advance in living with God in their hearts, they are transformed from the condition of slaves into condition of children of God. They do not suffer anymore from earthy problems and do not sin; they live according with the law of God. They become like a children again, sincere and innocence. God has a great joy in receiving his children back. The father of the two sons also had a celebration in honor of the lost son. He explained that his son had been dead and now he is alive again. It means, that people who live without God in their souls are dead. They could not enter the Kingdom of Heaven. But they do not even realize about their own spiritual deaths. When people understand it, they are alive for God.

But suddenly arose one more problem it was the elder son. He became very angry with his father. He did not accept the return of his own brother, did not enjoy the fiesta and did not want to hear his father, who pleaded him to join them. The elder son complained that he had worked very hard all these years while the younger brother was wasting all property and enjoying his time with prostitutes. He mentioned that he has never had any gratitude from the father; even a young goat was not given to celebrate with the friends. He could not understand the repentance of his brother, because of his own jealousy. B. I. Gladkovnoticed that the elder son did not even call the lost as his brother. He simply named him as the son of the father. He did not feel love to his own brother, who needed his support. The eldest son loved only himself. He was selfish and proud of his own righteousness and wanted his brother to be rejected and sent out. He dared to judge his brother even though his father, who is older and more mature, gave the elder son his forgiveness. People should not judge other people's doings. If God forgives people's sins, how can they judge each other?

It is not difficult to apply these parables to my own life. I think I am the lost son. All my life I have known that God exists, but I used to estrange my heart from my Lord. When I sank into my sins and suffered from loneliness, when I lost my faith in everything in the Earth, I understood that is only God who can give me salvation. I understood there is only way forward. But I was afraid that God could reject me. I could not even dare to pray. But God knows our needs. He made me understand the real meaning of life and gave me the possibility to repent. But all lost sons, who were welcomed by God, should be beware of becoming as the oldest son from parable, do not become a pretended righteous.

It might be supposed that the likely reactions of Pareses and the teachers of the law were negative. Generally, they were discouraged and kept malicious silent. Some of them did not understand the real meaning of these parables. But those who understood the main idea became angry with Jesus. Concerning these parables, God would be gladder to accept sinners rather then Pharisees who are righteous only outside, but their hearts are full of sins and cruelty. They are very proud of themselves and unfortunately do not feel like repenting.

There are some incorrect interpretations of these three parables. For example, the father of the two sons represents one's home country. The lost son represents people who left their own country and immigrated to look for a better life. They got citizenship in a foreign country, but did not find happiness. After a long period of immigration, they come back to their home country. They are greatly respected now. They are treated almost like foreigners and everyone is glad to see them and prefers to have deal with them rather then with people who did not leave their own country, but who was devoted and worked hard to make life better in their own country. But this is the incorrect interpretation. Generally, people decide to immigrate, because there own country rejects them and they feel like social culls. But in the parable told by Jesus, father does not expel his son. In other words, God never makes us run away, He never abandons us.

These three parables should help people of the Orthodox Church to be sure, that God is searching souls, which are sunk into the sea of sins. Our Heavenly Father makes us understand the importance of repentance, find the meaning of life and desire to be saved. God is always glad to forgive us. But people should be bewaring not become like the elder son, like Pharisees. When God finds the lost heart and celebrates its reversion, be sure, you join the fiesta. Be sure, your heart is full of love and joy about lost and found. These feelings prevent us from jealous. I hope these parables help people to avoid any judgment and God also will not judge them.


Averciy, archbishop. ×åòâåðîåâàíãå èå Moscow Orthodox Svyato-Tihonovsky Institute of Theology, 1

Gladkov, B.I.î êîâàíèå Åâàíãå èÿ. Sintagma, St.-Peterburg,11

Govorun S. Ïðèò÷à î á óäíîì ñ íå. Alfa and Omega magazine,

¹ (14) Moscow, orthodox brotherhood in honor of St. Prince Alexander Nevsky (Nigniy Novgorod), 17

Silvester, archbishop. Ïðèòî÷íèê Åâàíãå üñêè . Second issue. Moscow, Printery of Synod, 188

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