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Truman Show

If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Truman Show. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Truman Show paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Truman Show, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Truman Show paper at affordable prices!

Truman lives in an artificial world, constructed especially for him. He was born and raised there. He knows no other place. The people around him unbeknownst to him are all actors. His life is monitored by 5000 cameras and broadcast live to the world, 4 hours a day, every day. He is spontaneous and funny because he is unaware of the monstrosity of which he is the main cogwheel.

The Truman Show" takes this issue one step further by perpetrating a massive act of immorality on screen. Truman is lied to, cheated, deprived of his ability to make choices, controlled and manipulated by sinister, half-mad Shylocks. All the other figures in his life, including his parents, are actors. Hundreds of millions of viewers and voyeurs plug in to take a peep; to intrude upon what Truman innocently and honestly believes to be his privacy. They are shown responding to various dramatic or anti-climactic events in Trumans life. That we are the moral equivalent of these viewers-voyeurs, accomplices to the same crimes, comes as a shocking realization to us. The public enjoys Trumans inadvertent, non-consenting, exhibitionism.

Then there is the question of the director of the movie as God and of God as the director of a movie. The members of his team technical and non-technical alike obey Christoff, the director, almost blindly. They suspend their better moral judgement and succumb to his whims and to the brutal and vulgar aspects of his pervasive dishonesty and sadism. The torturer loves his victims. They define him and infuse his life with meaning. Caught in a narrative, the movie says, people act immorally.

It all boils down to the question of free choice and free will versus the benevolent determinism imposed by an omniscient and omnipotent being. What is better to have the choice and be or to succumb to the superior wisdom of a Supreme Being? A choice always involves a dilemma. It is the conflict between two equivalent states; two weighty decisions whose outcomes are equally desirable and two identically preferable courses of action. Where there is no such equivalence there is no choice, merely the pre-ordained exercise of a preference or inclination. Bees do not choose to make honey. A fan of football does not choose to watch a football game. He is motivated by a clear inequity between the choices that he faces. He can read a book or go to the game. His decision is clear and pre-determined by his predilection and by the inevitable and invariable implementation of the principle of censorship. There is no choice here. It is all rather automatic and bias. Censorship is not only a defensive weapon that protects the public's right to know. But it can anticipate audience reaction by the mediums on hand. Cinema in its own right can concoct a wicked sense of disillusion for the viewer as it can play around with the viewers emotions by the tools of images and sound. Is there a real choice? Censorship involves conflicting emotions of equal strength. One must not confuse preventing and implementing knowledge. Does censorship help prevent certain facts that are better left untold or does it merely control the community in the way life should be lived? Write my Essay on Truman Show for me

Christoff finds it strange that Truman, having discovered the truth, insists upon his right to make choices. To the Director, dilemmas are painful, unnecessary, destructive, or at best disruptive. His utopian world the one he constructed for Truman is choice-free and dilemma-free. The Director and fat-cat capitalistic producers want him to be spontaneous; they want him to make decisions. But they do not want him to make choices. So they influence his decision by providing him with an absolutely micro-controlled, repetitive environment. Such an environment reduces the set of possible decisions so that there is only one favorable or acceptable outcome at any one time. Truman does decide whether to walk down a certain path or not. But when he does decide to walk only one path is available to him. His world is constrained and limited not his actions. Is there some truth to this Fiction in the world today? Are the rights of the Individual influenced in making a decision rather than making a choice?

Actually, Trumans only choice in the movie leads to an arguably immoral decision. He abandons ship. He walks out on the whole project. He destroys an investment of billions of dollars, peoples lives and careers. He turns his back on some of the actors who seem to really be emotionally attached to him. He ignores the good and pleasure that the show has brought to the lives of millions of people

But Truman did not ask or choose to be put in his position. He found himself responsible for all these people without being consulted. There was no consent or act of choice involved. Censorship works in this same way, there is neither consent nor choice involved, it is merely a part of life in cinema these days and will not just go away.

Censorship's fundamental decision is made for us, forced upon us and many times not even noticed. This pattern persists throughout our childhood and adolescence decisions are made elsewhere by others and influence our lives profoundly. As adults we are the objects, often the victims, of the decisions made by the code of practice. We live in our own Truman Show"

A very problematic figure in this respect is that of Trumans best and childhood friend. They grew up together, shared secrets, emotions and adventures. Yet he lies to Truman constantly and under the Directors instructions. Everything he says is part of a script.

Finally, the Truman Show encapsulates the most virulent attack on capitalism in a long time. Greedy, thoughtless money machines in the form of billionaire tycoon-producers exploit Trumans life shamelessly and remorselessly in the ugliest display of human vices possible. The Director that is so similar to the code of practice indulges in their control-mania. The public indulges in voyeurism. The actors vie and compete in the compulsive activity of furthering their petty careers. It is a repulsive canvas of a disintegrating world. Perhaps Christoff is right after all when he warns Truman about the true nature of the world. But Truman chooses. He chooses the exit door leading to the outer darkness over the false sunlight in the Utopia that he leaves behind.

Please note that this sample paper on Truman Show is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Truman Show, we are here to assist you. Your cheap custom college paper on Truman Show will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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