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Early Contact between Maori and Europeans

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Early Contact between Maori and Europeans. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Early Contact between Maori and Europeans paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Early Contact between Maori and Europeans, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Early Contact between Maori and Europeans paper at affordable prices!

Contact between the Maori and Europeans was both good and bad for the Maori and Europeans.

It was good for the Maoris because they were able to learn how to use new tools, which they received through trading. The Maori traded Flax, shrunken human heads, woven mats, kauri, spears, fresh pork, carvings and potatoes with the Europeans in exchange for muskets, gunpowder, blankets, nails, tomahawks, axes, spades and other tools. The tools they used before the Europeans introduced metal to the Maoris were wooden tools, these would often break or rot and had to be replaced time and time again. Before the Europeans arrived the Maori used very "old fashioned" tools compared to the Europeans. It was also good for the Maoris socially. The missionaries helped the Maoris to stop polygamy (having more than one wife), cannibalism and slavery. The Maoris learnt how to farm so they could grow more food faster and read and write so they could communicate with the Europeans with much less hassle. Before they came in contact.

Contact between the Maoris and Europeans was also bad. The muskets and gunpowder brought in and traded by the Europeans caused wars between tribes on a much larger scale than before and more Maori warriors would die. The illnesses that the Europeans brought over from their countries were unheard of in New Zealand so the Maoris had no idea how to cure it. When a Maori man/woman fell ill with a fever they would take all their clothes off and stand in the sea for a while believing that the enormous heat inside of him/her was from a sacred god who was punishing them. Even thou the missionaries seemed like kind people, they were involved in many scandals including getting too friendly with the Maori women, trading muskets and buying lots of land from the Maori.

Early contact between the European and Maori was also good for the Europeans because without the Maori, the Europeans would not be able to survive; they provided shelter for them in the form of little huts inside a Maori village. The Maori also provided the Europeans with food such as, fresh pork, potatoes, kumara and fish. The Maori also helped the Europeans fix their ships by providing them with flax, a very strong leaf that they turned into rope and sheets to repair ships. Flax was also used for clothing and normal heavy-duty string.

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The Europeans also suffered from contact with the Maori; sometimes they would encounter a vicious and aggressive pack of Maori warriors, losing their lives in a fierce battle. The Maori didn't know how to control their alcohol intake so often became drunk, starting fights with the Europeans and doing illegitimate activities such as, robbing the Europeans and killing them.

As the last four paragraphs have explained, early contact between the Maori and Europeans was good and bad for both parties.

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